Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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60 lines
Just a small document file to quicken use of the program...
Mkscreen is used to generate turbo pascal code that makes designing and
using neat input screens in software rather simple. I have included the
source code to the program generator since some modification may be needed
to make code that you are satisfied with. I have included all of the support
routines that are used by the screen procedure.
1.) You must specify the text screen image file in the command line. The
program will inform you of this if you forget.
A sample screen image is provided in the SAMPLE.TXT file. Note that
the field width is specified with underscores. Field labels must end
with a colon and there must be a space between the colon and the first
underscore. Labels may consist of more than one word. Note that
information lines or heading lines may be included, but they must appear
on a line all by themselves.
the first three lines of the text file are skipped because generally
a permanent heading is displayed at the top of a screen. In all of our
software, this heading is controlled by a separate procedure, so the
screen coding does not interfere with its operation.
2.) When the program is running, it will display each label it finds in the
order from top to bottom reading left to right. You will be given the
opportunity to define the following about the label:
A.) the name of the variable into which the input data is stored.
B.) the type of input check routine that should be performed on the input
data. The choice are...
I : Integer check - see if entry is an integer
R : Real check - see if entry is a real number
S : String check - just check to see if an entry was made
L : List check - check to see if entry is in a specific
list. You will be asked to specify the
list. (without quotes and each item
separated by a comma).
3.) When the process is completed, the Turbo Pascal source code will be
placed in the output files and only a small amount of information is
needed to complete the screen. This has saved hours of screen devel-
opment time!
4.) include the screen routine and the other include files in your program
to operate the input screen. This interface is designed for maximum
idiot proofing, so there is considerable overhead. Input screens are
generally preferred for use with larger applications that have a high
amount of user interaction.
Hopefully others will be able to realize the time savings that this code
generator can provide, but if not, at least the concept of programs that
create modules for other larger programs will have been furthered.
Ralph P. Helmle, EIT
Industrial System Engineer